Visual Workflows

to create custom workflows and send automated notifications

Design and build visually attractive custom workflows for a seamless recruitment process. Notify the candidate automatically as the candidate advances through the stages of recruitment pipeline.

Visual Workflows

Custom Visual Workflows for Better Visualization

Create customized workflows and lay a better foundation for information exchange, resource allocation, and roadmap to fill job openings quickly

visual workflows leave note
design flows

Design Flows

Use nodes to build custom flows for your firm's recruitment process. Automate everything from sending notifications to scheduling triggers for the events.

create automation

Create Automation

Add trigger name, select call flow, and create an automated flow to outline the steps it takes to bring new employees into your organization with help of visual workflows.

notify applicants

Notify Applicants

Send automatic email and SMS notifications as candidates progress through the recruitment pipeline by authenticating Gmail and Twilio.

What is Visual Workflows?

Visual WorkFlows in ATS allows you to create custom flows and send automatic notifications to candidates based on trigger actions. This technology automates repetitive tasks, allowing HR professionals and recruiters to focus on more strategic tasks and make better use of their time.

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